index > this thing is totally fuXzored. Who cares.

This is the link page. Clicks will open a new window, because THAT IS THE LAW OF THE UNIVERSE.

Links for the masses
doomworld - I can generally be found trolling on the forums.
mancunet - my gracious and (very) tolerant host. <3
rotten library - a massive collection of weird information. - Nine Inch Nails official homepage. Reznorlicious.
Sproutlore - Robert Rankin's fan club. Amazing writer and nice bloke.

Links for friends
gginc - joel's site. Not a secret society.
nxn - likes drugs apparently.
Darch Angel - Ebola's personal site. Artsy stuff + doom.
Action Doom - ACTION!!!
Vaguely Useful - deadie's comprehensive link page, saves me work.
Lord Flathead - is mildly erotic.
ZarkyB - is even more erotic, and also Scottish.

this is under construction. Got a site you want on here? email me.

darknation at gmail dot com motherfuckers




site copyright 2005 according to some convention or whatever.
ditto with the content. I find my shit elsewhere without permission
and I'll snap your fucking legs.

<3 mancunet